In-place ear nose and throat visits

I provide 24 hours open ear, nose and throat visit services with full mobile ENT clinic equipment for ENT examination and minor ENT procedures for visits outside the hospital.

Appointment process

For on-site examination service, after the patient or his/her relative makes an appointment for the examination, the patient is given an appointment for this time. For the appointment, a full address and location information that can be determined using one of the electronic map systems are obtained. The patient or his/her relative is informed about the service to be provided, examination details and process.

By learning about the patient's complaints, if there are possible diagnoses and preliminary tests that may be required, these tests are planned in advance and the appointment date is arranged accordingly.

Visiting process

After making an appointment with the patient, portable examination equipment is used to go to the patient's location. After the device required for the examination is installed, the examination process with the patient begins. Treatment is given after taking the patient's history, examination and diagnosis. If necessary, necessary interventions (ear cleaning, nose tampon application, etc.) are performed.

If there are necessary techniques for diagnosis, these examination requests are made and a revisit appointment is made for the date when the examination results will be completed.

The patient is informed regarding the diagnosis and treatment of the patient, and the information is reinforced with the questions the patient asks. The patient is informed about the treatment plan, controls, and any possible tests or interventions after the treatment is completed. The patient or his/her relative is informed in detail about the precautions and medications included in the treatment, their use and possible side effects.

Check-ups during the treatment process and post-treatment checks are planned, and an appointment is made with the patient and a time is determined for a phone call or visit.

If the decision is made by following the patient's treatment process, the patient is checked by phone or visited on-site again following the determined treatment period.

If the patient's treatment period is completed, the patient is called again to determine whether the treatment resulted in recovery. If necessary, the patient is visited on site again. If a different maintenance drug treatment or surgical treatment is planned after the completion of the treatment process, the details of these are discussed and a conclusion is reached.

Stuff and equipment

During the examination, the Ear Nose and Throat Specialist doctor and, when necessary, an assistant staff (nurse) are present. If the patient is planned to be examined on-site or to take a sample for examination, the relevant personnel is also included in the examination team. Ear Nose and Throat Diseases Specialist is an authorized specialist doctor working in a Ministry of Health Approved and contracted Private Medical Center.

The current portable system is as follows

An imaging system capable of recording video that can be connected to a standard television or to the laptop included in the examination set, and can also be connected to a television if necessary. Medical tools and consumables required for examination and intervention portable vacuum device Conventional hearing testing instruments to evaluate hearing

The examination and intervention services provided are generally as follows

  • Full Ear, Nose and Throat Examination with video recording via imaging system:
    • External ear canal and membrane examination
    • Oral throat examination
    • Examination of the larynx entrance, larynx, vocal cords, esophagus entrance, nasal area (back part of the nose, adenoid)
    • Inner nose, nasal concha, nasal curvatures, sinus entrances, ear canal entrances and nasal examination
    • Evaluation examination for the need for surgery
  • Hearing evaluation with hearing assessment devices
  • Various interventions in the field of Ear Nose and Throat:
    • Sinus lavage (administering medication to the sinuses through the nose)
    • Documentary treatment, tampon and dressing application in external ear canal diseases
    • Removing tampons and stitches after external ear canal surgery
    • Removal of foreign objects and earwax from the external auditory canal
    • Intervention for nosebleeds, application and follow-up of nasal tampons
    • Removing nasal tampons, nasal plaster and bandages, and removing stitches after nose surgery
    • Removing surgical stitches from the face, mouth, etc.


Pricing is calculated based on the offer and accepted on-site inspection fee. A 15% fee is charged for revisits within the 10-day main control period after the examination, and a 35% fee is charged for revisits exceeding 10 days and up to 30 days. No additional fee is charged for revisits by phone or messaging.

These revisits during and after the examination and control period are decided by talking with the patient and an appointment is made to the patient.

The fee incurred during examinations and controls is collected in cash or by bank transfer after the examination.

For current pricing click here or send me a message by whatsapp.

Booking an appointment

To book an appointment call +905332761903 or send me a message by whatsapp.

Op. Dr. Cüneyt Ayanoğlu